About Me

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the dandenongs, victoria, Australia
an artist and it solution architect living in the temperate rainforest of southeastern australia

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

more tranquil places...

i seem to be able to make two similar pieces if i do them at the same time. if i tried to come back to it and re-do it in the future - i would evolve it or change it. funny that. here i went heavy on the darks in order to pop the lights. similar shape and comp to the other PT pieces. the next blog post will show the evolution - i hope.


perugina said...

Hi Joel, you certainly have achieved ‘more tranquil places’ in this series you call Passage Tranquille.The two watercolours you have presented here are simply stunning, and your ability to capture those reflections in the water making the whole scene breathtaking – e` da volersi perdere - it is to want to lose yourself.

joel said...

thaks pg. i love the phrase "e da volersi perdere"...

makes me smile...

-- Joel.