About Me

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the dandenongs, victoria, Australia
an artist and it solution architect living in the temperate rainforest of southeastern australia

Friday, March 20, 2009

tangled up in violets

working my way back towards blue...


perugina said...

Hi Joel, This latest watercolour work “Tangled up in Violets” is gorgeous. In fact it has quite the opposite effect - Una tranquilita` e serenita` - a tranquillity and serenity in those beautiful washes leaving me with sense of peace and not a tangle in sight!! Not to mention those reflections!!! WOW you are great at these.
I’m glad I stopped by – what I would’ve missed. This is the kind of inspiration I am needing at the moment. To look at beautiful watercolours such as what you have painted here.
Peace be with you.

joel said...

am also so very glad you stopped by "cara mia". :)

well, i am trying to follow on the "passage tranquille" series - because i like painting them and people love them so.

every time i show a collection online people are drawn to these blue studies.

maybe i should adopt an all new Italian naming scheme instead of French?

this title came because as i was doing the trickiest and most rewarding washes, Dylan was singing "Tangled Up in Blue". he pops around occasionally to sing.

i am guilty of almost NEVER repeating - or developing a theme. so - i have decided to change that. that is why i am doing a few of these.

thanks ever so much for commenting. after i finish paying the bills - i am going to catch up on my favorite blogs also.

-- Joel.